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//========= glightbox GLightbox({ 'href': 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r44RKWyfcFw&fbclid=IwAR21beSJORalzmzokxDRcGfkZA1AtRTE__l5N4r09HcGS5Y6vOluyouM9EM', 'type': 'video', 'source': 'youtube', //vimeo, youtube or local 'width': 900, 'autoplayVideos': true, }); //======== Hero Slider var slider = new tns({ container: '.hero-slider', slideBy: 'page', autoplay: true, autoplayButtonOutput: false, mouseDrag: true, gutter: 0, items: 1, nav: false, controls: true, controlsText: [ '', '' ], responsive: { 1200: { items: 1, }, 992: { items: 1, }, 0: { items: 1, } } }); //======== Testimonial Slider var slider = new tns({ container: '.testimonial-slider', slideBy: 'page', autoplay: false, mouseDrag: true, gutter: 0, items: 1, nav: true, controls: false, controlsText: [ '', '' ], responsive: { 1200: { items: 1, }, 992: { items: 1, }, 0: { items: 1, } } }); //============== isotope masonry js with imagesloaded imagesLoaded('#container', function () { var elem = document.querySelector('.grid'); var iso = new Isotope(elem, { // options itemSelector: '.grid-item', masonry: { // use outer width of grid-sizer for columnWidth columnWidth: '.grid-item' } }); let filterButtons = document.querySelectorAll('.portfolio-btn-wrapper button'); filterButtons.forEach(e => e.addEventListener('click', () => { let filterValue = event.target.getAttribute('data-filter'); iso.arrange({ filter: filterValue }); }) ); });